
Monday, December 9, 2013

Review of Knight and Day by Kitty French

As giddy as I was to start reading this book I was equally sad that this marks the end of the trilogy.  I have become addicted to this series rather quickly and to have the pleasure to chat with Kitty has made my inner fangirl scream and clap with delight :)

First of all, who has yet to read this series?  I actually have to thank Angie from Smut Book Club for pimping this series so hard you would have thought she wrote it.   I was not disappointed in the least with Knight & Play or Knight & Stay so I was cautiously optimistic that this book would deliver and it did. In so very many ways.  

I have come to read over 1100 books in the past year and a half so to say that this series stands out as one of my top 10 is really saying something.  Some books I have to read the last couple of chapters to remember what happened because there were so many books in between that I can't recall where we left off in the story.  Ii must say that from the very start, Kitty had me hooked.  Maybe it was because I thought of Alexander Skarsgard immediately upon her describing Lucien or the incredibly erotic scenes she describes that made me hold my kindle a little tighter than normal.  Why choose??

I am not comfortable writing spoilers since I HATE reading them so let me just say that this book is primarily focused on a new couple, Dylan and Kara.  As you recall from the last two books (since you've already read them, right?) Kara is the best friend of Sophie.  Now that Sophie is more hands on with Lucien's successful string of sex clubs, Kara has joined the company and helps set up and operate new locations.   The newest location in picturesque Ibiza has Kara, Sophie & Lucien staying in a beautiful house along the shore of this Spanish island.  

During a routine inspection of his new club, Lucien meets a man named Dylan Day and instantly recognizes a kindred spirit.  Lucien is reminded of what it was like when he left everything in Norway behind at 18 to start fresh in Paris.  Going with his gut, he decides to hire Dylan without a resume or the customary background check.  Will this come back to bite him?  Kara is not looking for anything but a relaxing escape.  Romance need not apply, she is not interested.  She has needs but doesn't want to look for anyone that could break the industrial sized wall she has around her heart.  Direct and honest, Kara has no problem telling Dylan what she thinks and how she feels.  Dylan is trying to forget a past that has burned him and does not intend to have anyone mess with his uncomplicated lifestyle.  Will the past he is running from and the lies he's been telling ruin any chance he may have at getting closer to Kara?

I love that while the majority of this book is the story of how Dylan and Kara get together, we don't lose that this is a Knight Trilogy book. The storyline weaves between these two couples so seamlessly that it feels like you are spending time in their villa, the boat, and the club watching all of these events transpire.  Naughty and Nice, sweet and dirty, these books have it all.  I hope that there will be more books from Ms. French in the VERY near future.  

I also have a special treat for all of you who have taken the time to check this review out:


Much Love


  1. Great review! I'm looking forward to starting this series.

  2. Read it. Loved it. Must now get all the books. Like I don't already have a backlist long enough. I love you so much, but I hate you just a little right now, too. :) Baci
